The extended abstract consists of a 200 word short abstract that is accompanied by additional details and figures to describe the work. The maximum length of the extended abstract is two pages, and must be submitted as a PDF document. File size is limited to 50mb. If you’re having difficulty coming under that size for your file, look into the reduced pdf setting. The submitted document must adhere to the following format requirements:
• Page size: 8.5 in. by 11 in.
• Margins: 1 in. on all sides
• Header: 10 point Times New Roman, Right justified, centered vertically in the 1 in. header, line 1: “15th International Conference on Fracture (ICF 15)” line 2 “June 11-16, 2023, Atlanta, Georgia, USA”
• Title: 11 point Times New Roman, Bold, All caps, centered
• Authors: Given+Surname, 11 point Times New Roman, superscript number for affiliation list, * to indicate presenting author
• Affiliation: # Institution, City, State/Province, Country; continuous superscript numbered list to match author affiliation and * to indicate presenting author, 10 point Times New Roman, italicized
• Abstract Section Heading: 11 point Times New Roman, Bold, Initial caps, single line spacing, no extra space after
• Numbered Section Heading: 11 point Times New Roman, Bold, Initial caps, single line spacing, no extra space after
• Body Text: 11 point Times New Roman, fully justified, single line spacing, 8 pt after each paragraph
• Footer: Page Number, 10 point Times New Roman, centered
An example extended abstract that can be used as a template (Word .docx format) can be downloaded at this link. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE