Thanks for your interest in the 15th International Conference on Fracture! The following links will help you to prepare your poster abstract for submission.
What are the planned poster sessions?
There will be a general poster session, but submissions will be associated with symposia. Use this link to review a list of the symposia and the descriptions from the organizers LIST OF SYMPOSIA
Who should submit abstracts and what are the format requirements?
All presentations (oral and poster) must submit a PDF of an extended abstract. The symposia and conference organizers will review the extended abstracts to determine if the work is suitable for an oral or poster presentation. Attendees are not required to present a poster or paper to participate in ICF15.
In-person attendance is a top priority for this meeting. All presenting authors must be registered, paid attendees of ICF15 and attendees can only be listed as the presenting author on one submission. If you are involved in multiple submissions, please plan accordingly with your coauthors.
The extended abstract consists of a 200 word short abstract and up to 2 pages of additional text and figures (PDF format, 50 mb file size limit). Use this link to see the details of the abstract format and download templates. EXTENDED ABSTRACT FORMAT AND TEMPLATE
How are abstracts submitted, when are they due, and when are the acceptance notification sent?
Abstracts are submitted via this website, and you will be asked to indicate your preferred symposium or session topic. Please note that you need to be registered on this site and have an active user account to access the form. REGISTER HERE LOGIN HERE
Extended abstracts for the poster session are due on March 31, 2023.
Once you have prepared your extended abstract, submit your abstract using this link SUBMIT ABSTRACT
Is there financial support for students and post-docs to attend ICF15 and present at the poster session?
Yes! The National Science Foundation is providing support for students and post-docs at U.S. institutions. Please click the following link to learn more about the complimentary registration opportunity. Student & Post-Doc Support