S04- Brittle Fracture: A Century of Progress after Griffith’s Theory


There has been a long history of concern with the brittle fracturing of materials in connection with the need to understand and control the often sudden catastrophic failure with low energy absorption associated with this physical phenomenon. In view of the great technological importance of brittle fracture behavior of engineering structures ever since the late nineteenth century, much earlier attention focused on a qualitative analysis of the fracture process until A. A. Griffith bridged the gap between stress analysis and crack size in his seminal contribution published in 1921. Despite the rapidly increasing amount of research on continuum and micromechanics descriptions of the brittle fracture problem over the past years, it is widely recognized that Griffith’s fundamental concept of energy conservation applied to stress analyses of cracks provided the principal impetus for developing the field of fracture mechanics.

To celebrate Griffith’s contribution to modern fracture mechanics, the symposium seeks to bring together academics, industry researchers, and research organizations to collaboratively address these key research areas associated with brittle fracture behavior of materials spanning from fundamental aspects, experimental characterization and temperature dependence of cleavage fracture stress to the development and application of conventional and novel procedures for cleavage fracture assessments, including (but not limited to) computational and probabilistic modeling at the micro and mesoscale levels.


Claudio Ruggieri (University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil)

Laszlo Toth (Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd, Hungary)


Claudio Ruggieri (email: claudio.ruggieri@usp.br)